How to create a secret, blank folder on Windows to store private files

How to create a blank folder on windows

Despite being the most widely used PC operating system, Windows has a ton of tips, tricks, and workarounds most people are unaware of. Making a fully blank folder on your desktop or inside a subfolder is one such trick. Such a folder has no icon and no name in the form of text, so it cannot be seen unless the mouse is hovered over it. Use this folder to keep any private documents that you don't want other people, especially children, to see or access.

How to make such a folder is shown below.

Creating a folder with a blank name

By right-clicking anywhere on your Windows desktop and selecting New>Folder, you may create a new folder with no name. After creating the folder, right-click it once more and select Rename from the contextual menu.

For the following, you will want a full-size keyboard (one with a Numpad on the right). Hit enter after entering the Alt-code shortcut for a no-break space, Alt+0160. A folder without a name ought to now exist.

Removing the icon

Right-click the folder once more and select properties to remove the icon. You can select the bottom-most option, "Change icon," by going to the final tab, "Customize," on this page.

This is the empty icon that you need to choose. (Express Image)

Scroll to the right among the pre-selected alternatives to find four empty icons. You can select any of them and move forward.

Currently, the folder has no icon or name. Only when the folder is clicked on, included in a selection window, or mouse-hovered over can it be seen.

If you use a folder like this on your desktop, you need put it there in a different spot. This folder can contain a variety of files, including subfolders.

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Era D'Blogger a proficient and experience Writer and blogger who have great love for writing. Loves Children thereby became a Sunday School teacher. Subscribe to His Channel Gospel Song Lyrics on YouTube.
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